The Elonald Have Discovered The Fourth Branch (youtube ↗)


(2025/2/20, minor edits on 2/21)
Hello fellow humans! This is not the deepest video of mine, but this situation was so weird that i just wanted to try to make something out of this bizarre press briefing thing in the oval office. It was intentionally going to be more of a political commentary video, but ended up being more of the inane madness that my videos often are. I've noticed that "stupid minimalism" has been the theme of much of my work since my SpongeBob YTP (youtube ↗), and i made a concerted effort this time to just let that happen, rather than worrying about it coming off as lazy and time filler-ey.
This video very much became an exploration of the high concept of "how much can i make out of just repeating the same 1/30th of a second of sound over and over?", and i totally enjoyed my time with it. As has unintentionally happened with the SpongeBob YTP and the Mr. Lancer YTP, i've burnt a lot of time polishing things here, which did turn from exciting to dull after a while. Minor tweaks and testing my footage each day to see how the pacing goes is absolutely something that wears thin for me after a day or two. I've probably worked a bit more to polish this nonsense than was necessary, but i think it shows in the final product and makes it a more satisfying thing to experience. In particular, the timing of how long each sound goes for and when musical bits or the next sound/[line of dialogue] comes in was what i paid the most attention to. I didn't make the repeating parts sometimes go on for 5-20 seconds out of any kind of principle or to fill time, i wanted to give an actual sense of oh my god he (ie. trump) is /still/ going... /oh my god/. The point is to make you laugh (although I did end up noticing that it can almost have the effect of slowing down your brain? this is something i want to pay more attention to. hmmmmmm.......).
So, it's not all that elaborate of a video, and as usual I'm a bit bothered by how long i've let the final stages of refining go on for, but I'm proud of what i have made this week. :) In all honesty, i was very happy with myself for allowing me to let go of the obligation to edit the entire ~30 minute conference. I didn't have much interesting commentary to say AND i already had enough comedy material in the video so i just went with the dumb and incomplete verison. the [project YORDAN] video will have a lot more commentary, just because Jordan Peterson's complementing of Elon Musk and the rest of the Trump Administration people that he talks about is so over the top and uncomprimising in its praises that it absolutely begs to be parodied.

This project was a semi-intentional distraction of the upcoming [project YORDAN] and [project DOVETAIL i] YouTube Poops that are underway. Both of those videos are more substantial, but i have been trying to make room for [myself having fun making things] for its own sake and so i want to make more of these sorts of simpler videos in the future. I very much am the type of person that takes their work^1 too seriously, and even with this project that (for once) took less than 10 days from conception to release... i still really feel obligated to make it something that people wouldnt dislike. I am happy and proud of how it turned out, but i still am not taking care of myself as much as i should ←NOOOOOO i am shoulding all over myself again aaaaaaaaaaaaa, which is something that i want to improve at. Part of that is just getting myself to allow projects to come out with only the polish i want, rather than polish done out of obligation of making something good enough OR out of fearing that people will reject the work. I don't need to cater to those feelings: right now I don't have a following, only a few personal friends and a couple of commenters (hi JennBit!); This is my opportunity to do whatever the hell i want with fewer of the consequences. I enjoy experimenting and making crazy things. Now is the time to be as lazy and crazy as i want...... i just need to find a way to actually remember that, rather than slowly receeding into just doing work out of obligation...
⤷ (SIDE NOTE: i'm not suggesting that people with a following shouldn't feel free to do public work for fun and for fun only. I'm just saying that things inevitably get more complicated once you have an audience. As a neurotic POS (point of service), i forget that i can just enjoy making the work that i share with others.)

OH YEAH: The thumbnail i am so so fucking happy with. Sometimes i struggle, but so often these come out better than i ever would have expected. I cannot believe how much the liquify tool (I used Affinity Photo for this one, but many image editing/drawing programs have it) lets you turn people into horrifying aliens. It's amazing. Putting medieval european style halos around their heads is so awful and amazing and fitting aesthetically and thematically for these two and i am so happy. I love this so much. THEY ARE ALIENS!!!!!!

^1 = Welcome to the hell of taking fking youtube poops seriously. I am not the first person to do this, but it still sucks. Our work being silly comedies does not magically free us of our insecurities, sadly. :v